Rabu, 11 Juni 2014


Bora bora , is an ancient island or can be referred to the atoll, which was once a former volcano that died thousands of years ago created the most beautiful islands in the world. every year bora bora have visited more than a hundred thousand people from all over the world, especially sought if not the most spectacular sights in the world. bora bora is an island nation of the French commonwealth in the Pacific ocean, if you are confused looking for bora-bora where the location is, you can use the main island of Tahiti as a bookmark.typical tropical island with Panorama predominantly white sandy beaches sloping and smooth, clear blue water, some parts have stunning coral reefs. waves in this area are very friendly and calm, but can also be used to surf for some parts of the island because the island is arguably broad enough that it includes 30km square.



Christopher Robert "Chris" Evans (born June 13, 1981) is an American actor and film director. Evans is best known for his superhero roles as Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four (2005) and Steve Rogers or Captain America in Camptain America: First Avenger (2011)
I adore him because he is a talented actor and absolutely handsome.
He was born in Boston, Lisa (Capuano), is an artistic director at the Concord Youth Theater, and his father, Bob, is a dentist. He has two sisters, Carly and Shanna.
After filming wrapped on Not Another Teen Movie, Evans landed lead roles in The Perfect Score and Celullar, and then playing the sinister Bryce, and London, playing a strung-out drug user with relationship problems. He then played the superhero Human in Torch in the 2005, Fantastic Four
Evans had signed on to appear in multiple films as Captain America, and first reprised the role in the 2012 film The Avengers. He next starred opposite Michael Shannon in Ice man.
In 2014, Evans starred in Captain America: Winter Soldiers. His upcoming films the sequel to The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultrons and the third Captain America film. Evans said in March 2014 that once his contract with Marvel is up, he plans to take a break from acting to work on directing,and believes he will be finished playing Captain America in 2017.


In a small village, a girl lived with her mother. The girl was very beautiful. Everyday she puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She didn't like to help her mother work in a field. The girl was very lazy. One day the mother asked her to accompany her to buy some food, but she didn't want to accompany her. The mother said she want to buy new clothes, she finally agreed. But, she want to accompany her if the mother walked behind her.
When they were on the way to the market, someone asked her who is the woman behind her. And she answer that the woman behind her was her servant.
The mother was really upset. She prayed to God to punish her daughter, God answer her prayed. Slowly, the beautiful girl's legs turn into stone. She asked her mother to forgive her. But it was too late, her whole body became a big stone.
Until now people call it the crying stone or batu menangis.

Rabu, 09 April 2014


Setiap warga negara mempunyai hak dan kewajibannya masing-masing. Tetapi masih banyak hak-hak dan kewajiban sebagai warga negara yang belum terpenuhi seperti contohnya masih banyaknya warga Indonesia yang belum menerima santunan-santunan dari pemerintah yang mereka janjikan untuk warga miskin, pajak yang dibayar oleh sejumlah warga negara Indonesia dikorupsi oleh sejumlah pejabat negara semata-mata hanya untuk memperkaya diri bukannya memperbaharui dan memperbaiki fasilitas-fasilitas negara.
Dengan adanya pemilu (Pemilihan Umum) dapat merubah nasib negara Indonesia tetapi apa jadinya pemilu yang seharusnya dipilih oleh warga negara Indonesia seharusnya bersifat rahasia, bebas dan tertutup  tetapi calon wakil rakyat yang berbuat curang seperti menyuap warga miskin agar memilih calon wakil rakyat tersebut. Beberapa orang yang mengetahui kebusukan dari calon wakil rakyat tersebut memilih golput yaitu tidak mempergunakan hak memilih mereka pada saat pemilu.

“Saya memilih golput, ga tau mau milih apa. Saya rasa semua pemerintah sama aja.” Ungkap John, seorang supir pribadi, Jumat (28/3/2014). Ia seorang dari rakyat kecil yang tidak percaya dengan pemerintah lagi. Alasan ia golput karena ia menganggap pemerintah hanya memberikan janji bukan bukti.
“Ya masa pencuri sandal dihukum belasan tahun padahal yang korupsi cuma 3-5 tahun” ungkapnya. Ia hanya menginginkan keadilan, kesejahteraan untuk warga Indonesia.
Golput (Golongan Putih) adalah tidak adanya rasa demokrasi untuk bangsanya sendiri. Untuk meminimalisi kemungkinan golput dikalangan masyarakat antara lain; membenahi kinerja dan sistem pemerintah dari partai tersebut, mewujudkan kondisi pemerintahan dan partai yang bersih, jujur, memihak rakyat dan keteladanan yang baik, menunjuk Calon Legislatif atau Calon pemimpin yang cakap, bersih, jujur, memihak rakyat dan keteladanan yang baik, sosialisasi dan peningkatan kesadaran memilih dan Pemilu oleh berbagai pihak seperti KPU, Pemerintah, Media Massa, Partai dan Publik Figur, dan menumbuhkan semangat demokrasi kepada setiap warga negara Indonesia.
Berbeda halnya dengan orang yang tidak menganut sistem golput, mereka beranggapan bahwa nasib negara berada di tangan rakyatnya sendiri karena satu suara dapat mengubah nasib negara menjadi lebih baik. Mereka juga beranggapan bahwa orang yang golput tidak mendukung negaranya sendiri untuk maju ke depan.
Meskipun banyaknya kasus-kasus negatif dari pemerintah mereka tetap berfikir positif. Mereka juga berharap bahwa siapapun calon wakil rakyat mereka pilih akan bersifat amanah yang bisa menyuarakan suara rakyat, mensejahterakan rakyat, jujur, bekerja keras agar Indonesia makmur dan sejahtera seperti dimasa kejayaannya dulu.


 PS: Maaf dipost di sini, hanya sekedar memberi info dan tugas untuk tm pkn. Terima kasih.



Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Dewa Athena

Opening ceremony of Dewa Athena IV was held on Saturday, February 14th 2014 at Lapbal. Before the opening ceremony, we were forming a line for each class. After that, the teacher made some speech on the opening ceremony. The trumpet was on, the opening ceremony is over. That was a sign, the contest will begin.

Each class had to wear characteristic clothes of their class. Me and my classmate wore a blue t-shirt.
The first contest was BMW (Belitung Muda Wanita). That was a football match for the girls. It was bmw2015 vs bmw2016. And it ended up score 2-0. The victorious was on bmw2015.

There was a basketball match, 'lari estafet', 'tarik tambang' 'futsal', bm cup (football match) and many more.

'Lari estafet' match was X IPA 6 vs. X IPA 7. On each class had 4 people on it. A person was holding a stick from start line and then run and give the stick to the next person. The second person ran and gave the stick to the third person. The third person ran and gave the stick to the last last person. The last person had to run and holding the stick until finish line. 
X IPA 6 won in this match against X IPA 7.

The event was end at 5 pm.

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Phenomena of Aurora

What is Aurora? Why do auroras occur?  aurora phenomenon is closely related to the interaction between the sun with our earth.Fusion reaction that occurs in the sun, in addition to generating thermonuclear energy, also producepositrons  (e ), e-neutrinos ( ), and gamma rays. Additionally, hydrogen nuclei, or protons, helium nuclei, and also some other particles emitted due to radiation pressure is very large. The radiation of charged particles that have high energy from the sun is known as solar wind or solar wind. The particles are moving at a speed 300.000-1000.000 m / s and a density of 0.1 to 30 cm .

The solar wind can not directly touch the surface of the earth. This is because the Earth has a magnetic field. In addition, the density of the Earth's atmosphere reaches  10 19 particles / cm , making the less likely mencai Earth solar wind particles. However, there are some solar wind particles are able to pass through Earth's atmosphere and hit the air molecules. The collision caused the emergence of brilliant auroras that form of light. The beam created by the air molecules absorb and radiate energy particles back in the form of visible light, the aurora over the north pole is called aurora borealis and that is above the south pole is called aurora australis.

Polar auroras occur because the Earth's magnetic poles are too close to the geographic poles.Earth's north magnetic pole is near the earth and vice versa. Thus the charged particles entering the Earth's atmosphere will move in a spiral trajectory towards the Earth's magnetic poles.

My Last Holiday

         I was spend my holiday just stay at home. I woke up late, sleep at late night, took a bath in 12 pm. At the first day, I just sat on sofa and watching tv all day long. Next day, I did the same thing. Third day, I woke up at 9 am in the morning after that I watching tv until I bored. and then I played my phone and laptop. i did the same activities in a week.

          In the next day, my friend called me and ask me to hang out with her. I agreed. She was my junior high school friend. We went to a shopping store. We bought some clothes, pants and a pair of shoes. After we tired, we lunch on a fast food restaurant. After that, we were walking around the mall. We talked so many things. We went home in the evening. I wish I could spent my holiday with her again!


English Speech Contest

For all students of SMAN 3 Bandung, we announce English Speech Contest.

Time : Saturday, 22 March 2014
Place : Hall of SMAN 3 Bandung

Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :

  • The Advantage of Learning English
  • The Difficulties of Learning English
  • The Effective Ways of Learning English
For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest on sman3-bdg.net